Encyclopedia: Ground covers
Clematis ‘Praecox’
Clematis 'Praecox'An excellent ground-covering semi-herbaceous climber with large, dark green leaves densely spreading over the ground. Small pinkish-mauve flowers in large panicles. It grows rampantly (3-4 m of annual growth), filling the space between trees and shrubs. When no support is provided it makes charming ground cover. Looks lovely when intermingled with other plants, ideal for growing through small shrubs. A hardy and healthy cultivar. Particularly useful for covering low w...
Clematis recta
Clematis rectaA species growing in the wild in Roztocze in Poland and statutorily protected in this region. A valuable perennial bearing small star-shaped fragrant white flowers in large (up to 50 cm) panicles. Some of the varieties have very attractive leaves of purple-bronze in spring, only turning to green with age. Raised stems are non-clinging, but they can lean against a support. When gown on its own, the stems scramble over the ground. Prune hard, close to the ground. It wil...
Clematis ‘Rooguchi’
Clematis 'Rooguchi'A charming perennial variety originating from Japan. Graceful, bell-shaped, deep violet-blue flowers edged in pale mauve are borne incessantly from June to October. Stems don’t twine round supports, but they can lean against them. They can be either stimulated to grow higher with the help of some string or wire, or we can let them scramble at ground level. Ideal for sc...
Raised by Kazushige Ozawa, Japan 1988.
Clematis ‘Rosea’
Clematis 'Rosea'A slender-stemmed, scrambling herbaceous perennial. Stems don’t twine round supports, but they can lean against them. Bell-shaped, deep pink flowers, borne from June to September, followed by silky seed heads. Best planted on perennial borders or among shrubs; suitable as ground cover.
Raised by M. Johnson, Sweden 1952.
Clematis ‘Ryuan’
Clematis 'Ryuan'An interesting Japanese cultivar of purple-dark blue velvety flowers 10 cm in diameter, consisting of 4 narrow, eliptic sepals and dark violet anthers on light violet filaments. Flowers borne from mid-June till September. Leaves single or trifoliate, often irregularly dented. Shoots don't climb over supports but can lean on them. Plant reaches 1.7 m height. Scrambles ov...
Raised by Mikiyoshi Chikuma, Japan, before 2008 as a result of crossing Clematis florida with Clematis integrifolia
Clematis ‘Sizaia Ptitsa’
Clematis 'Sizaia Ptitsa'Perennial clematis with violet-blue, open flowers, borne from June to September. The sepals are narrow, twisted and have a deep violet stripe along the center. Crimson-purple anthers on violet-white filaments. The stems grow up to 1,5-2 m but are non-clinging, which means they need tying up or can lean against the support (as in case of a climbing rose). If grown withou...
Raised by M. A. Beskaravainaya, Russia (former USSR). Named in 1979.
Clematis ×diversifolia ‘Heather Herschell’
Clematis ×diversifolia 'Heather Herschell'A charming perennial clematis with pink, bell-shaped flowers. Its raised, non-clinging stems (as in climbing rose) can lean against a support or sprawl over the ground. It looks lovely meandering amongst other plants and is suitable for growing over small garden supports. Particularly useful for growing through perennials or small shrubs, as ground cover or in a contain...
Introduced by B. Fretwell, United Kingdom.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Canadale Gold’
Euonymus fortunei 'Canadale Gold'...
Euonymus fortunei ‘Coloratus’
Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus'The most vigorous of all euonymus. Large, 6 cm across, evergreen glossy leaves turn deep scarlet in autumn and become green again in spring. This change of colours provides year round interest and enlivens the garden. A perfect groundcover plant for sunny, semi- shady or even shady sites, especially for large areas. Plant 5 plants per square meter. Very good frost-hardiness.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’
Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety'Small, 3 cm across, deep green leaves with irregular white margins. Stems creep along the ground, creating an effect of a green-white wave. Plant between 7 and 10 plants per square meter. It can freeze during harsh winters.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald’n’Gold’
Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald'n'Gold'Small, 3 cm across, green leaves with bright yellow margins. The variegation disappears when grown in deep shade. Stems are erect to semi-erect and will grow even up to 2 m high when planted near a support (a fence or a tree). If trimmed, they will spread forming a dense mat. May be used to protect the base of the clematis plants from the sun. Plant between 7 and 10 plants per square meter. It can freeze during harsh winters.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Harlequin’
Spindle, Fortune's spindle, Winter creeper 'Harlequin'Low growing, procumbent, evergreen shrub of compact habit and attractive leaves ˗ evergreen with pronounced cream-coloured splashes that turn pinkish in autumn and winter. A great cover plant for large gardens and public areas. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Leaves decorative, rather small, of narrow oval shape, evergreen with pronounced cream-coloured splashes that turn...
Introduced by Brookeside Gardens, Maryland, USA in 1990.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Interbolwi’
Euonymus fortunei 'Interbolwi'Small, 3 cm across, deep green leaves with a bright yellow center. The form is spreading in habit and doesn't need pruning. It's suitable for growing over large areas, filling up space between taller shrubs, or creating edgings. It grows well both in sun and light shade, forming an attractive green-yellow carpet. Plant between 5 to 8 plants per square meter. One of the frost hardiest forms of Euonymus.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Kewensis’
Euonymus fortunei 'Kewensis'The most compact variety creating very low cover (5-10 cm height). Small evergreen leaves (1-1.5 cm) are dark with light green venation and turn red in autumn. It climbs over supports by means of rootlets. It thrives in every average, moderately moist but well-drained soil, acidic to moderately alkaline. Does not tolerate wet soil, sustains temporary draughts and urban conditions. Thrives in sunny, semi-shaded or even shady sites. Frost hardy – zone 5-8. It makes an e...
Euonymus fortunei ‘Silver Queen’
Euonymus fortunei 'Silver Queen'A charming plant with attractive foliage: relatively large leaves, 5 cm across, are creamy-yellow in spring and over time turn green with a wide creamy-yellow margin. The margin becomes white in summer. It tolerates pruning well and forms quickly a dense tangled mat. If left untrimmed, it will climb, attaining in a few years 2-3 m in height, and will bear rather inconspicuous flowers followed by fruit. It can freeze in harsh winters. A good groundcover plant, suitable...