百科全書: 铁线莲
Clematis ‘Pamiat Serdtsa’
Clematis 'Pamiat Serdtsa'A charming climber with bell-shaped, nodding, violet-lilac flowers from June to September. A beautiful perennial clematis with raised, non-clinging stems (as in climbing rose). When no support is provided, it scrambles over the ground. Looks lovely when intermingled with other plants. A hardy cultivar, particularly useful as ground cover, perfect for growing on terraces.
Raised by M. A. Beskaravainaya, Russia (former USSR). Named in 1973.
Clematis PATRICIA ANN FRETWELL 'Pafar'花朵粉色,5月和6月在上年的老枝上开重瓣花,外层花瓣比内层花瓣大,中部深粉红色,边缘浅粉色;内层花瓣边缘粉白色,中部有较深粉色的细条纹。8月和9月在当年的新枝上开单瓣花。雄蕊乳白色。生长速度较快。种在全光的位置表现最佳。特别适合种植于花架、立柱或其他花园支撑物。
培育者:B. Fretwell(英国)
Clematis ‘Paul Farges’ SUMMER SNOW
Clematis 'Paul Farges' SUMMER SNOWA charming, very vigorous, almost rampant cultivar with green foliage persisting well into early November. In summer and autumn small (4-5 cm), star-shaped, slightly scented creamy white flowers are abundantly scattered over the whole plant. Well-liked by bees. A healthy, hardy plant with low requirements. The scent is more distinguished in a sunny position. Excellent f...
Raised by M. A. Beskaravainaya & A. N. Volosenko-Valenis, Ukraine (former USSR) 1962.
Clematis 'Perida'晚花大花型 最美丽的红花类品种之一。除了美艳的花朵外,最大的优势就是种植要求低,易成活。是在花盆容器中种植的最佳选择。 花型:花朵大小中等,直径8-12厘米,由6片尖端紫红色花瓣及红色花蕊组成。花期为6月至8月。单片叶或三片叶,叶色深绿。 如何生长:藤本植物,叶柄缠绕支撑物攀爬,可长到1.5-2米。 栽种地点:该品种需要对种植的要求非常低,在明亮的地方开花最美,但不要过分光...
品种来源:由Willem Straver于2002年在德国培育。
铁线莲 ‘小鸭’ PIILU
Clematis 'Piilu'爱沙尼亚品种,花量大,株型紧凑。花朵颜色丁香紫粉色,逐渐变暗,花瓣中部和基部有深粉红色条纹,衬托黄色雄蕊。6月在上年枝条上开半重瓣花,夏季在当年新枝条上开单瓣花。生长速度适中。通过叶柄攀援生长。适合在光照充足的小庭院栽植。适合种植于低矮的花园支撑物,如花架、立柱等。非常适合在大型容器栽培,用于阳台、露台。
培育者:U. & A. Kivistik(爱沙尼亚) 1988年命名
Clematis ‘Pink Beauty’
Clematis 'Pink Beauty'Clematis ‘Pink Dream’ PBR
Clematis 'Pink Dream' PBRA Polish variety raised by Szczepan Marczyński, introduced in the market in summer 2012. Its flowers are always full, both on last year’s wood and on new growth, relatively large for the Atragene Group (8-10 cm in diameter). Bell-shaped, nodding, set on purple pedicules and pleasantly grapefruit-scented, they have 4 elliptical, pointed sepals fairly wavy along the edges...
Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, introduced in the market in 2012.
Clematis ‘Pink Flamingo’
Clematis 'Pink Flamingo'One of the earliest and most profusely flowering varieties. Charming, mauve pink flowers with a deep pink blotch at the base of each sepal and paler margins, borne during April-June, are followed during summer and autumn by decorative, silky seed heads. A very hardy plant with low requirements. Ideal for growing over fences, walls, or scrambling over rocks and old stump...
Raised by Miss E. Jones, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1993.
Clematis ‘Pink Swing’ PBR
Clematis 'Pink Swing' PBRA Polish variety raised by Szczepan Marczyński, introduced in the market in summer 2012. Its flowers are always full, both on last year’s wood and on new growth, relatively large for the Atragene Group (10-12 cm in diameter). Bell-shaped, nodding, set on purple pedicules and pleasantly grapefruit-scented, they have 4 elliptical, pointed sepals slightly wavy along the ed...
Raised by Szczepan Marczyński, introduced in the market in 2012.
铁线莲 ‘彼得•斯卡尔加’ PIOTR SKARGA
Clematis 'Piotr Skarga'花径14-17厘米,平时有6个尖端花瓣(在上年枝条上开的花朵可以有8到10个花瓣),花瓣正面紫蓝色,背面浅紫色,边缘微波浪状。花药和花丝浅黄色。适合种植于栅栏、凉亭、花架、立柱或其他花园支撑物。可以攀援在天然支撑物上,比如落叶、针叶灌木或不需要强度修剪的小型灌木。搭配亮色背景或与黄色花叶的植物混植效果最佳。适合在容器中栽培。
培育者:Stefan Franczak(波兰) 育成时间:1990年