百科全書: 铁线莲
Clematis ‘Mme Julia Correvon’
Clematis 'Mme Julia Correvon'A healthy, free-flowering cultivar from Viticella group. Rose-red flowers with yellow stamens are profusely borne from June to September. It has low soil requirements. An ideal climber for clothing unsightly walls and buildings; excellent for growing over fences or any kind of garden support. Enlivens and adds adornment to every garden when planted among shrubs or conif...
Raised by F. Morel, France 1900.
铁线莲 ‘莫纽什科’ MONIUSZKO
Clematis 'Moniuszko'波兰品种,花极大(直径可达20厘米),暗紫色,有天鹅绒质感,花瓣数8,边缘微波浪状。花药紫色,花丝奶油色。植于浅色背景前显得很华丽。适合种植于花架、立柱或其他花园支撑物。
培育者:Stefan Franczak(波兰)育成时间:1996年
Clematis montana ‘Elizabeth’
Anemone Clematis 'Elizabeth'A vigorous, profusely flowering climber. A wall of hundreds of light pink, slightly vanilla scented flowers, 6 cm across, with 4 tepals and yellow anthers on creamy filaments can stay on the plant even for a few weeks in May and June. Flower buds and sometimes also stems can freeze during harsh winters, what will significantly reduce or eliminate the flowering the follo...
Bred by George R. Jackman, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1953.
Clematis montana ‘Freda’
Anemone Clematis 'Freda'A rampant growing florifeorus climber. Small bright cherry-pink flowers, the tepals with darker edges. Requires a sheltered, warm position. It can freeze during harsh winters and therefore will not flower the following spring. Suitable for growing into trees or over tall shrubs, conifers and various garden supports. Trim back the old flowering growths immediately after...
Raised by F. Deacon, United Kingdom. Introduced in 1985.
Clematis montana ‘Mayleen’
Anemone Clematis 'Mayleen'A vigorous, profusely flowering climber. A thick wall of hundreds of light pink, slightly vanilla scented flowers, 5-7 cm across, can stay on the plant even for a few weeks in May and June. 4 wide tepals, lighter and wavy at the edges and yellow anthers on creamy filaments. Attractive, brown green foliage. Flower buds and sometimes also stems can freeze during harsh win...
Introduced by Jim Fisk, United Kingdom in 1984
Clematis montana var. rubens
Anemone Clematis var. rubensA beautiful, very strong-growing and floriferous climber. During May and June a mass of scented, rosy mauve-pink flowers, abundantly scattered over the whole plant, can last as long as a few weeks. Unfortunately flower buds and sometimes stems tend to freeze during severe winters. It’s, therefore, suitable for growing only in sheltered positions, with a milder microclimate.
铁线莲 ‘卡西诺山’ MONTE CASSINO
Clematis 'Monte Cassino'波兰品种,花朵暗紫红色,有天鹅绒质感,雄蕊黄色。宜植于亮色背景前,适合种植于花架、立柱或其他花园支撑物,以及与玫瑰,灌木或针叶树混植。
培育者:Stefan Franczak(波兰) 育成时间:1986年
Clematis 'Moonlight' ('Yellow Queen')十分独特,但对环境要求较高的品种。花朵浅黄色。生长速度较快。不喜欢酷热光强的地方,适宜部分遮阴的位置。适合种植于花架、立柱或其他花园支撑物。可以攀援在天然支撑物上,如落叶、针叶灌木或小型灌木。
Clematis 'Morning Sky' PBR由Szczepan Marczyński 培育的最新波兰品种之一。花朵亮粉紫色,形状近于圆形,颜色向中部逐渐变亮,脉序粉色。花朵直径8-10厘米,由4-6枚长菱形的、尖端的花瓣组成,花瓣背面亮紫色,中部带粉白色条纹。雄蕊十分引人注目,与花被形成精彩的对比:短,在花朵中间摆得像刺猬一般,花药颜色暗紫红近于黑色,花丝黄色。6月底到8月中旬开花茂盛,继续开花到9月但花量有所减少。叶片长达20厘米,宽达15厘米...
培育者:Szczepan Marczyński(波兰) 育成时间:2004年 2014年投入市场
铁线莲 ‘科尔蒙迪利女士’ MRS CHOLMONDELEY
Clematis 'Mrs Cholmondeley'是一个花期极长,花量极大的品种。花朵大,浅薰衣草蓝色,有些发丁香紫色,有时重瓣,雄蕊浅棕色。春季按照2类轻度修剪,可以从 5月到8月持续开花,如果按照3类重修剪,则7月开花,持续到9月。特别适宜光照好的位置,搭配暗色背景或与黄色花叶的植物混植。
培育者:C. Noble(英国) 育成时间:1873年