百科全書: 铁线莲
铁线莲 ‘拉斯普丁’ RASPUTIN
Clematis 'Rasputin'花色很暗,花径8-12厘米,有6个边缘呈波浪状的花瓣。花瓣背面的颜色比较淡,灰紫色。花丝绿色,花药紫红色。适合种植于花架、立柱或其他花园支撑物。可以攀绕在自然支撑物如针叶、落叶灌木或小型灌木。特别适合搭配明亮的背景。适合盆栽。
培育者:Willem Straver(德国)育成时间:2001年
Clematis recta
Clematis rectaA species growing in the wild in Roztocze in Poland and statutorily protected in this region. A valuable perennial bearing small star-shaped fragrant white flowers in large (up to 50 cm) panicles. Some of the varieties have very attractive leaves of purple-bronze in spring, only turning to green with age. Raised stems are non-clinging, but they can lean against a support. When gown on its own, the stems scramble over the ground. Prune hard, close to the ground. It wil...
铁线莲 ‘红星’ RED STAR
Clematis 'Red Star'花朵红色,重瓣或半重瓣,直径10-14厘米。花瓣大小不一,较宽,桃尖拱形,边缘波浪状,上端尖,浅红色中部带粉红色条纹,花瓣的颜色从上部向基部逐渐变浅,有绿斑,在外层花萼上更为明显。花药紫红色,花丝奶油黄色。适合种植于栅栏、凉亭、花架、立柱或其他花园支撑物。可以攀援在天然支撑物上,比如落叶、针叶灌木或不需要强度修剪的小型灌木。喜欢阳光充足的地方。
培育者:Takashi Watanabe(日本) 育成时间:1995年
铁线莲 ‘狂想曲’ RHAPSODY
Clematis 'Rhapsody'Clematis ‘Riga’
Clematis 'Riga'An early-flowering (April-May), Swedish cultivar with partially open, slightly nodding, white, 4-tepalled flowers. It resembles Clematis sibirica but has much larger flowers. From June to autumn the plant is adorned with fluffy seed heads. It holds on to supports using twining leaf petioles. Very frost hardy and undemanding. Succeeds in semi-shade. Particularly useful f...
Raised by M. Johnson, Sweden 1992.
铁线莲 ‘摇滚乐’ ROKO-KOLLA
Clematis 'Roko-Kolla'爱莎尼亚品种。花朵乳白色,花瓣中间有黄绿色的条纹,雄蕊奶油黄色。花量极大,株型紧凑。可以种植于栅栏、凉亭、花架、柱子或其他花园支撑物。可以攀绕在自然支撑物如针叶或落叶灌木。搭配暗色的背景有非常迷人的效果。特别适合盆栽。
培育者:U. & A. Kivistik(爱沙尼亚)育成时间:1983年
铁线莲 ‘罗曼蒂克’ ROMANTIKA
Clematis 'Romantika'爱沙尼亚品种,花色深紫色,接近黑色,雄蕊淡黄色。宜植于亮色背景前,或是与黄叶的针叶或落叶灌木混植。容易受粉状叉丝壳感染。适合种植于栅栏、墙面、凉亭、棚架、花架、立柱等。可以攀绕在自然支撑物如小型树木或大型的针叶、落叶灌木。
培育者:U. & A. Kivistik(爱沙尼亚)育成时间:1987年
Clematis ‘Rooguchi’
Clematis 'Rooguchi'A charming perennial variety originating from Japan. Graceful, bell-shaped, deep violet-blue flowers edged in pale mauve are borne incessantly from June to September. Stems don't twine round supports, but they can lean against them. They can be either stimulated to grow higher with the help of some string or wire, or we can let them scramble at ground level. Ideal for s...
Raised by Kazushige Ozawa, Japan 1988.
铁线莲 ‘罗兰’ ROORAN
Clematis 'Rooran'花朵亮粉色,花瓣基部浅粉色,脉序深粉色。花径15-18厘米,有6-8个尖端的椭圆形花瓣。花药紫红棕色,花丝奶油色。适合用于栅栏、凉亭、花架、立柱或其他花园支撑物。可以攀援在天然支撑物上,比如落叶、针叶灌木或不需要强度修剪的小型灌木。适合容器栽培。
培育者:Masako Takeuchi(日本) 育成时间:1995年
Clematis 'Rosamunde'晚花大花型 该品种最引人注目的就是它独特的花瓣中间带有深粉色的条纹的粉橘色花朵。对种植的要求不高,可在任意花园中种植,也可在大花盆中种植。 花型:花型:花朵大小中等,直径8-12厘米,由6片粉橘色中间有越向上越浅的深粉色条纹的花瓣组成。长在粉白色花丝的花色花药及黄色花柱组成的花蕊让该品种花朵显得更加艳丽。花期为6月至8月。单片叶或三片叶,叶色深绿。 如何生长:藤本植物,叶...
品种来源:由Willem Straver于2000年在德国培育。