百科全書: Actinidia and other fruit
Rubus occidentalis ‘Bristol’
Black raspberry 'Bristol'A cultivar yielding interestingly coloured, dark fruit of delightfully sweet taste. The shrub does not produce root suckers. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Medium-sized flowers, white to creamy-white, gathered in loose panicles, open in May. Berries large, round, black with grey film, exceptionally tasty, sweet and juicy. Their flesh is firm and dense, very juicy and sweet. They appear on biennial shoots. Leaves are dark green. HOW IT GROWS: Fast-growing shrub, reachin...
Rubus phoenicolasius
Japanese Wineberry, Wine raspberryA shrub of tasty, red fruit and decorative, hairy shoots. Highly resistant to pest and disease. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Fruit small, red, juicy and very aromatic, gathered in bunches in dozens; ripen gradually in the second half of July. The shrub produces stubbly, unbranched stems. Flowers small, white, opening in June, have no ornamental value. HOW IT GROWS: Stems over 3 m long. They can be trained along fences or in espaliers. In the second year the stems pro...
五味子‘SADOVA NO.1’(‘萨多瓦一号)
five flavour berry (magnolia vine, wu-wei-zi) ‘Sadova No.1’乌克兰品种,自花传粉,坐果率高,果实比野生种大。五味子是一种价值极高的攀缘植物,可作药用,也可以食用,植株可供观赏。它的果实以及(在一定程度上)叶片和茎皮中含有免疫抗菌作用的五味子素、维生素E和许多种微量元素如铁、铜、锰、镍、钼、钛、锌等,也含有较大量的镁、钾和磷。两千多年以来,五味子是中医中传统沿用的强身妙品。从种植后第4-6年开始产果。耐寒性高。适合栽培于肥沃湿润,但不过湿的土壤中。五味子的果实可以直接或加工后食用,可用来酿酒、榨汁、浸剂、做干制品等。五味子的干叶片可...
Five Flavour Berry, Chinese Magnolia Vine, Schizandra Berry价值极高的攀缘植物,可作药用,也可以食用,植株可供观赏。它的果实、叶片和茎皮中含有强身补气作用的五味子素、维生素E和多种微量元素。5-6月开出奶油白色的小花。果实鲜红色,球形,聚合果果序轴粗壮,成熟于8至9月。从种植后第4-6年开始结果。可以生长到10米(年均生长速度为0.5-1.5米)。五味子的耐寒性很高。适合栽培于肥沃湿润,但不过湿的土壤中。特别适宜用于栅栏和建筑物的绿化,也适合用来装饰凉亭、棚架或其他各种支撑物。
Chinese Magnolia Vine最具观赏性的五味子品种,4-5月开出小(直径约2.5厘米)但引人注目的深红色花朵。花朵通常为雌雄异株,单生于叶腋间,花柄长。果实为深红色的豌豆大小圆球,聚合果果序轴粗壮。叶片椭圆形,绿色,长约6厘米。茎缠绕支撑物呈螺旋状向上生长。适合栽培于肥沃湿润,但不过湿的土壤中。冬季极为寒冷时可以受冻。特别推荐给水平较高的园艺爱好者。开花时最好从近处观赏。最好种植于避风的地方,如房屋的墙面。
Chinese Magnolia Vine, famale最具观赏性的五味子品种,4-5月开出小(直径约2.5厘米)但引人注目的深红色花朵。花朵通常为雌雄异株,单生于叶腋间,花柄长。果实为深红色的豌豆大小圆球,聚合果果序轴粗壮。叶片椭圆形,绿色,长约6厘米。茎缠绕支撑物呈螺旋状向上生长。适合栽培于肥沃湿润,但不过湿的土壤中。冬季极为寒冷时可以受冻。特别推荐给水平较高的园艺爱好者。开花时最好从近处观赏。最好种植于避风的地方,如房屋的墙面。
Vitis ‘Arkadia’
Wine Grape 'Arkadia'An outstanding cultivar yielding large, tasty dessert fruit. The fruit ripens early, at the beginning of September. Plentiful. Grows fast and is disease resistant, however, it may suffer from frosts. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Fruit of dessert type, large, oblong, light yellow, very tasty; ripen at the beginning of IX when grown in the ground. Bunches are substantial – ...
Raised in Odessa Institute by Dmytri Meleshko.
Vitis ‘Isabella’
Wine Grape 'Isabella'A plentiful cultivar of dark purple sweet fruit ripening in September. Robust and hardy. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Dessert fruit, sweet, large, dark purple with a waxy coating; on ground-grown plants ripening in IX. Small, compact bunches. Leaves large, ornamental, turn beautiful yellow in autumn. HOW IT GROWS: A climber using tendrils for support. Strong-growing, reaches 10 m – 2 m per year. WHERE TO PLANT: Sunny and warm site required. Soil average, humus-ric...
Vitis ‘Iza Zaliwska’
Wine Grape 'Iza Zaliwska'A cultivar of large, tasty, yellow dessert fruit. Of all Vitis cultivars, they’re the first to ripen in the Polish climate, as early as August. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Tasty, sweet, dessert fruit - round, yellow-green; ripening at the end of VIII and in IX. Medium-sized bunches. Leaves large, decorative, dark green, in autumn turn beautiful yellow colour. Flowers un...
Raised from a seedling of unknown origin, found by prof. Zaliwski in Puławy, south-east of Poland.
Vitis ‘Konkord Rosyjski’
Wine Grape 'Russian Concorde'A hardy, strong-growing cultivar. Large, deep pink fruit are gathered in small bunches. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Fruit quite large, deep pink, gathered in small bunches; ripening at the end of IX. Leaves large, decorative, dark green, turn beautiful yellow in autumn. Flowers unassuming, yellow, always female; open in VI. HOW IT GROWS: A climber using tendrils for s...
The cultivar was introduced by Mitshurin in 1919.