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Rubus phoenicolasius

Japanese Wineberry, Wine raspberry
装饰形式 fruits, leaves and stems
花色 ---
花期 VI
年生长量 1-3 m
种植方位 sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun
耐寒区 Zones 6 - 8
1m2的密度 ---
常绿植物 no

A shrub of tasty, red fruit and decorative, hairy shoots. Highly resistant to pest and disease.

WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Fruit small, red, juicy and very aromatic, gathered in bunches in dozens; ripen gradually in the second half of July. The shrub produces stubbly, unbranched stems. Flowers small, white, opening in June, have no ornamental value.

HOW IT GROWS: Stems over 3 m long. They can be trained along fences or in espaliers. In the second year the stems produce side shoots that flower and yield fruit.

WHERE TO PLANT: Requires a sunny site and fertile, fresh soil. Frost hardy (zone 5-8)

HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN: Before planting immerse the plant container in water for 10-30 min. Place the root ball in a 40 x 40 x 40 cm hole with a 10 cm layer of well-rotten manure or compost, 0.5-1 cm deeper than it was before. Fill the hole with fertile soil. In spring it is recommended to remove the dead old wood as well as the shoots that yielded fruit in the previous season.

HOW TO APPLY: Recommended for domestic gardens.

ORIGIN: Japan.