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Euonymus fortunei ‘Silver Queen’

Euonymus fortunei 'Silver Queen'
Decoration form leaves
Color of flowers ---
Flowering month ---
Annual growth 0.5 m
Aspect sun, 3/4 sun, 1/4 sun, shadow
Frost hardiness Zones 6 - 9
Density on 1m2 5-8
Evergreen plant no

A charming plant with attractive foliage: relatively large leaves, 5 cm across, are creamy-yellow in spring and over time turn green with a wide creamy-yellow margin. The margin becomes white in summer. It tolerates pruning well and forms quickly a dense tangled mat. If left untrimmed, it will climb, attaining in a few years 2-3 m in height, and will bear rather inconspicuous flowers followed by fruit. It can freeze in harsh winters. A good groundcover plant, suitable for filling up space between taller shrubs as well as for creating edgings. Plant in a sheltered site.

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