百科全書: 其他攀缘植物
软枣猕猴桃 ‘HARDY RED’
kiwi berry, hardy kiwi (bower actinidia, tara vine) 'Hardy Red'American, prolific cultivar of tasty red fruit (Mini Kiwi) with edible skin, maturing in the first half of September. White flowers 1-2 cm in diameter borne in June. Berries are oval-shaped, slightly flattened, up to 3.5 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide, cherry-red both outside and inside. Fruit attain the colouring in the final stage of ripening. Yields fruit in the 3rd-4thyear. Sustains frosts up to -28oC. Requires warm, sunny, sheltered sites and fertile, moist but well-...
five-leaf akebia (chocolate vine)长势强的攀缘植物。掌状复叶,半常绿,小叶片5,革质,深绿色。幼茎紫色,成熟茎褐色,缠绕支撑物呈螺旋状向上生长,攀缘能力强。4-5月开出小花朵,雌花巧克力褐色,雄花粉色,有轻香,香气滋味有似桂皮香。果实很独特,外形像香肠,长8-13厘米,直径5-7厘米。适合用于栅栏和其他支撑物的绿化,也可以种在乔木旁,让它攀附其上。特别适宜种植于凉亭或棚架。适合作为地被植物应用。
五叶木通 ‘ALBA’(‘白姑娘’)
five-leaf akebia 'Alba'长势强的攀缘植物。掌状复叶,半常绿,小叶片5,革质,浅绿色。雄花和雌花纯白,有香味。可作良好的授粉品种。花期4-5月。果实很独特,长椭圆形,略呈肾形,果肉可食用,长8-13厘米,直径5-7厘米。茎缠绕支撑物呈螺旋状向上生长。适合用于栅栏和其他支撑物的绿化,也可以种在乔木旁,让它攀附其上。特别适宜种植于凉亭、棚架和拱门。
五叶木通 ‘SILVER BELLS’(‘银铃’)
five-leaf akebia 'Silver Bells'长势强的攀缘植物。掌状复叶,半常绿,小叶片5,革质。雄花白色,粉紫色雄蕊。雌花粉紫色,暗巧克力褐色雌蕊,有香味。可作良好的授粉品种。5月开花。果实很独特,长椭圆形,略呈肾形,果肉可食用。茎缠绕支撑物呈螺旋状向上生长。适合用于栅栏和其他支撑物的绿化,也可以种在乔木旁,让它攀附其上。特别适宜种植于凉亭、棚架和拱门。
five-leaf akebia 'Variegata'长势强的攀缘植物。掌状复叶,半常绿,小叶片5,革质,深绿色,带不规则的白色小斑点。5月开浅粉色,有清香的花朵。可作良好的授粉品种。果实很独特,长椭圆形,略呈肾形,果肉可食用。茎缠绕支撑物呈螺旋状向上生长。在阳光充足的环境下叶片上的白色斑点变得更加明显。适合用于栅栏和其他支撑物的绿化,也可以种在乔木旁,让它攀附其上。特别适宜种植于凉亭、棚架和拱门。
Ampelopsis aconitifolia
Monks Hood VineA luxuriant climber growing up to 4-8 m tall, valued for its attractive foliage and fruits. Single, parted, deep glossy green leaves turn to yellow in autumn. Decorative fruits: orange-yellow, small and roundish. Excellent for growing over fences, in similar fashion as Parthenocissus quinquefolia.
Ampelopsis aconitifolia ‘Seattle’
Monks Hood Vine 'Seattle'Attractive vine of moderate growth. Slightly pubescent deeply cut leaves change color from pink to green in summer and yellow in autumn. Young shoots and leaf petioles crimson at the beginning turn to pink. Particularly useful for planting over arbors, pergolas and various garden supports.
Ampelopsis glandulosa ‘Elegans’
Porcelain Ampelopsis 'Elegans'An attractive vine growing up to 2-3 m tall, with coarsely toothed leaves, densely mottled white and tinged pink. New shoots are reddish. In autumn it bears decorative fruits: round, blue-violet and covered with a delicate grey waxy bloom. Requires sheltered positions. Excellent for small or medium gardens, where space is restricted.
Aristolochia macrophylla (syn. Aristolochia durior)
Dutchman's Pipe, PipevineA vigorous climber growing up to 10 m tall (1-2 m of annual growth). Strikingly large, heart-shaped leaves up to 30 cm in length are its main attraction. Unusual, small (2-4 cm), pipe-like flowers blooming in May-June. Best planted in half-shade. It requires fertile, fresh soil; in full sun and on dry soil it's frequently attacked by spiders.
Calystegia hederacea ‘Flore Pleno’ (syn.’Multiplex’)
japanese bindweed (california rose) 'Flore Pleno'A climbing perennial with very interesting flowers: double ball-like vivid pink flowers. Blossoms form July to September. Arrow-like downy leaves. In spring, old woody stems should be cut back just at the base of the plant. Best grown in a warm sunny position. Thrives best in moist well drained and rich in humus soil. Excellent for small fences, trellises and other garden supports.