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Rubus occidentalis ‘Bristol’

Black raspberry 'Bristol'
装饰形式 edible fruits
花色 white
花期 V
年生长量 0.5 m
种植方位 sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun
耐寒区 Zones 6 - 8
1m2的密度 1
常绿植物 no

A cultivar yielding interestingly coloured, dark fruit of delightfully sweet taste. The shrub does not produce root suckers.

WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Medium-sized flowers, white to creamy-white, gathered in loose panicles, open in May. Berries large, round, black with grey film, exceptionally tasty, sweet and juicy. Their flesh is firm and dense, very juicy and sweet. They appear on biennial shoots. Leaves are dark green.

HOW IT GROWS: Fast-growing shrub, reaching 2 m height; the shoots may be trained along supports.

WHERE TO PLANT: Prefers sunny sites and fertile, moderately moist soil, humous and permeable.

HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN: Before planting immerse the plant container in water for 10-30 min. Place the root ball in a 40 x 40 x 40 cm hole with a 10 cm layer of well-rotten manure or compost, 0.5-1 cm deeper than it was before. Fill the hole with fertile soil. Depending on the cultivation type the plant spread should be 1–2 m in each row.  In spring it is recommended to remove the dead old wood as well as the shoots that yielded fruit in the previous season.

HOW TO APPLY: Suitable both for domestic gardens and production plantations. Fruit ready to eat directly or as preserves, e.g. juice, jams or liqueurs. Flowers melliferous.