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Rubus illecebrosus

Strawberry-Raspberry (Balloon Berry)
装饰形式 edible fruits
花色 white
花期 IV
年生长量 0.5 m
种植方位 sun, 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun
耐寒区 Zones 5 - 8
1m2的密度 3
常绿植物 no

A resistant and undemanding subshrub, yielding attractive, edible fruit. Recommended for house gardens.

WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Berries large, round, 3 cm across, shiny, bright red, edible – of mullberry tase. Ripen in August on this year shoots. Flowers white, 4-5 cm across, scented, appear in July. Leaves compound, dark green.

HOW IT GROWS: A subshrub of round habit. Develops root sprouts. Reaches 60 cm height.

WHERE TO PLANT: Yields fruit most successfully in sunny sites, but copes well also in a shade. Tolerant, grows both in sandy and in heavier soil, however, requires well-drained, moist ground.  Frost hardy (Zone 5˗8).

HOW TO PLANT AND MAINTAIN: Before planting immerse the plant container in water for 10-30 min. Place the plant in a 40 x 40 x 40 cm hole covered at the bottom with a 10 cm layer of well-rotten manure or compost, 0.5-1 cm deeper than it was before. Fill in the hole with fertile soil. Does not require regular pruning. Remove dead previous-year shoots in spring.

HOW TO APPLY: Recommended for amateur cultivation in house gardens. The fruit can be eaten raw or used to make preservatives.

ORIGIN: Natural sites located in Japan.