Hydrangea anomala ‘Mirranda’
Climbing Hydrangea 'Mirranda'装饰形式 | leaves, flowers |
花色 | white |
花期 | VI, VII |
年生长量 | 0.5 m |
种植方位 | 3/4 sun, 1/2 sun, 1/4 sun |
耐寒区 | Zones 5 - 7 |
1m2的密度 | --- |
常绿植物 | no |
A new cultivar with green leaves with yellow margins. White flowers in corymbs, in June-July. It climbs by attaching itself to the support by aerial root and can grow up to 6-10 m tall (0,5 m annually). Frost hardy. Thrives best in moist and acid soils in well lit positions that don’t receive direct sunlight. Particularly useful for growing on walls, trees, pergolas and as a groundcover. Well suited for colour combinations.